Friday, May 8, 2015

The Friday Four

TGIF people! T G I F! I saw this post on Juliettes blog. Girl is hilarious! Check her out!
So here we go!

4 names people call you:
1. Shari (shu-ree, not sherry. its my middle name)
2. Grace (my mother calls me this because of my ridiculous ability to trip over air)
3. Shlee (my best Amy started calling me this)
4. Turkey (my husband calls me this, I always respond with calling him

4 jobs you've had:
1. I have worked at 2 different optometrist office (eye doc). Not my calling. I am not customer service oriented and/or have much compassion.
2. Body Central a women's retail store. It was fun for the most part while it lasted. I worked with a lot of girls my age. & I got a 40% employee discount!
3. Safety Department at a trucking company. I got cussed out on the daily by truck drivers. Absolutely hated that job.
4. Babysitting in my pre-teen/teen years. At one point I watched a 2 year old, 4 year old and 8 year old at the same time. All girls. They are all grown up now and it makes me feel extremely OLD.

4 movies you watched more than once:
1. Twilight (the whole series. yes I am that girl)
2. The Holiday. LOVE this movie. Its my favorite Christmasy movie to watch. Its good for year round too though.
3. Romeo & Juliet I can pretty much repeat every line of that movie. Leo was gorgeous!!!

4. Moulin Rouge. I can repeat this movie also. & sing all the songs!

4 books you would recommend:
1. Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas (be ready to cry.. but its so good!)
2. Sundays at Tiffanys
3. True Believer
4. The Host (I have not seen the movie, but the book is great)

4 places you've lived:
1. Florida
2. NYC (lived here for 6 weeks for a Musical Theater program at the New York Film Academy)
I don't have 2 other places because I have never moved! & don't plan on it :)

4 places you've been:
1. Austin, TX
2. West Virginia
3. The Canary Islands, Spain for a missions trip
4. Okaloosa Island, FL (right between FT Walton Beach & Destin, last weekend my hubs & I took a 3 day weekend vaca. The beauty of living in FL! )

Take me back!!!

The water was GORGEOUS!

despite his facial expression my husband was having the time of his life #becauseheswithme #duh

my spiffy beach hat #noididnotattendthekentuckyderby
4 places you'd rather be now:
1. uhh Okaloosa Island hello?!?! #lol
2. Sleeping in my bed with the air on about 65 degrees #heaven
3. I'll even take the beach here where I live... The water isn't as gorgeous as on the gulf but hey its still the beach right? #FLgirlfolife
4. Who am I kidding?! Anywhere but work would be wonderful right now! #TGIF

4 of your favorite foods: (only 4?! ha!)
1. Italian
2. Seafood! Especially the crab dip at this place we went on our vaca... Heaven in my freakin mouth y'all.
3. Good 'ole southern barbecue. If you are ever in Northeast FL you have to go here! I promise you won't regret it.
4. Chocolate cause duh.

4 things you are looking forward to this year:
1. Daytona Beach on Memorial Day weekend in a couple of weeks. Did I mention I live in #FL & I love the beach?!
2. West Virginia vacation in July with my husband to see his mom's side of the fam. THE most peaceful vacation we take. The weather is amazing, the food his Mammie cooks is even more amazing! #foodandfam #thatsallineed
Andddddd on the way to WV we are stopping in ATL for one night to go to a Braves game! I am SO excited about it! I am not even a baseball fan but I know its gonna be a good time. #mylittlebrotherwillbejealous
3. St. Augustine vacation with my best friend in August for her bday! (obviously vacation is my favorite thing ever.) We always take a little 3 day weekend trip for her bday. About 4 years ago we took a 5 day trip to Daytona. That was before we were married and had responsibilities lol... But it doesn't matter if we are together for 2 hours or 2 days we always have the best time.


More #heavininmymouth Check it out!

Obviously we go on vacation to eat Check this place out too!

4. My husband graduating, he has worked so hard! So proud of him! & me getting closer to graduating with an accounting degree!

4 things you are always saying:
1. "You're ruining my life right now...." (I am a slight drama queen sometimes to say the least)
2. "You're an idiot" (When I'm driving. I really think FL has THEE worst drivers ever.)
3. "Seriously?!!" (Also mostly when I am driving... #rage)
4. "I am so over this" (Usually referring to work or school work)

4 tags:
1. Check her out!
2. Another spot to visit in FL #SHOPPING
3. Get free stuff!
4. This will change your life
Annnnnndd one more cause I do what I want.. THIS GIRL is amazing. Love the tone of her voice & the harmonies.

Welp. Thats all folks! I feel like this turned into more of a vacation post than anything. But whatevs! You have some tips if you ever come to FL. :)

Happy Friday Y'all :)