Saturday, July 26, 2014

God's Persistent Love

"You cannot explain or comprehend Gods persistent love. It's just how He is. You are His child. First John 4:16 says, 'And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.' We can't "rely" on something we have never accepted. Gods love for us is lavish (see 1 John 3:1). By the time we were knit in our mothers' wombs, our lives were like open books before Him-every sentence read, every paragraph indented, every chapter titled, every page numbered. He knew it all in advance-all the sin, all the selfishness, every weakness. Yet He chose to love us-lavishly. Sometimes God allows us to reach a point where we realize we can rely on absolutely nothing- except His love. Perhaps you are one who thinks that God shouldn't be bothered with the little things you can handle alone. Have you faced a circumstance over which you had no control? Do you remember the relief and release you felt when you lifted that burden to Him? God is willing to take every burden, every day, even the ones we think we can fix in our own strength. He will give us that relief and release daily. Try it- right now." - excerpt from pg 32 of Whispers of Hope: 10 Weeks of Devotional Prayer by Beth Moore.

1 comment:

  1. The information you have posted is very useful. The sites you have referred was good. Thanks for sharing...
    God's love
