Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Being happy.

"Don't worry, be happy..  Oooo ooooo..."  This song reminds me of my Papaw. He had a battery powered fish that hung on the wall over his chair, that would sing this song. He would let all the grand-kids push the button to play the song. Good memories.....

The words "don't worry, be happy..." easy instructions right? But hard to actually follow. We have all read the pinterest quotes, bible verses etc... on being happy, thankful, grateful.. whatever you want to call it. Its easy to read all those quotes & verses & think "yeh thats good stuff!" ,but then forget about it 10 seconds later when we are grumbling about whatever issue is there at the present time. I am speaking to myself here too. I am probably one of the worlds worst about having a bad attitude. I usually wake up with one because I despise morning time. But I try to be positive and turn my attitude around. (most mornings) I try thank God every morning for all the good things in my life. Not just come to Him immediately with all my troubles.

Sometimes its really hard to just be generally happy/have a positive attitude when you're working an 8 to 5 job. You're doing the same thing 5 days a week, going through the motions. It can get monotonous. But you know what? You could not have a job. You could be in the hospital, sick, not able to work. There is a million other situations you could be in. I could be at the job I worked at before the one I have now. The job I absolutely hated. The job that I sat in the bathroom almost everyday and cried. The job that I got cussed out on the phone frequently. etc etc etc. But now I have been at my current job for almost a year. & I really enjoy what I do. I work with good people, for a good company and there is future here. Honestly working at a job I hated gave a lot of perspective for me. It taught me a lot. Now when I feel like I am getting a bad attitude about my job or I am having a bad week, I try to think about that job I hated. I could still be there. But thank God I am not! So I better cherish what I've got right now!

The bottom line is be happy with what you've got! Appreciate what you have now! Stop wishing for the future. We wish for time to slow down because the seasons go by too fast. Or we can't believe August is already almost over! But then we are sitting at our desk on Monday wishing it was Friday... (again I am so guilty of this) My Mom used to tell me in high school to stop wishing for it to be over, to be graduated. "You're wishing your life away Ash!", she would say. And she was right. My goal for this post is to help myself  (and you) appreciate everything I have, have a better attitude, just be happy.

Remember life is all about what you make it.


  1. I completely relate to the job situation. Last year I was working a job that was giving me anxiety attacks and making me miserable. I have been at my new job for almost 4 months and it makes such a difference to go to a place that you don't dread. I am so grateful to be at this place now.

    1. Thats awesome! I understand. It makes a world of difference when you have a job you enjoy.

  2. love this! SO true, and such a great outlook:)

  3. Thanks for sharing! This is something we all can relate to. I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! :)

    1. Yes it is! :) I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend too!!
