Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Has anyone heard of Body-for-Life? Me neither. Until recently! You can check out the website here.
A lady my Mom & I know has been doing this program to lose weight. She has lost 100+ pounds! She looks amazing. From what I can tell just from the website you eat 6 small meals a day and work out 6 days a week. It gives you examples of a meal plan for a day, a grocery list, a list of the food you can eat and work out plans on the website.There is also a book which we plan on buying, it has a lot of healthy recipes.

Last spring I did a eating plan very similar to this. I ate 5 meals a day. Only 50 grams of sugar and 1500 grams a sodium a day. A lot of lean meat, veggies, good carbs, protein shakes/bars. Also worked out with a trainer twice a week and about once or twice more on my own. The work outs were hard but fairly easy too. We did a lot of weight training and minimal cardio. Which surprised me. I had always thought I had to do a lot of cardio to lose weight. Not true. Weight training is the way to go. You're replacing fat with muscle, which speeds up your metabolism. Cardio is good too of course. Within a 6 month period I lost 30 pounds. Only doing this strict work out/eating plan within the last 2 months of that 6.

Now I have gained all that weight back. & I am not at all happy about it. I just want to be comfortable in my clothes. That is the biggest thing for me. I don't want my jeans to be too tight to the point that they're uncomfortable. & this is where I am at right now. I thought "oh I need to go buy some new jeans for work because my others don't fit..." NO! I need to lose the freakin weight and wear the billion clothes I have right now! So finally I am feeling motivated to get on track. I really have been struggling with motivation the past few months. I don't want to give up my ice cream, Coca Cola and chocolate. I love that bad stuff. But the thing that really caught my attention with Body-for-Life is you get one whole cheat day. You can have whatever you want! Cake, cookies, a big fat cheeseburger, soda etc. The last eating plan I did with the trainer I couldn't cheat at all. Bout lost my mind people! I don't want to be a friggin Nazi like that again. I want to be able to go out to dinner and enjoy it. & I don't want to look at this as a "diet", I am just choosing to eat healthier.

I have been working on a big list of food/meals we can eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks. It will be easier for me to look at to plan my meals and my grocery shopping list. This is the biggest thing I have learned when trying to eat healthier, you have to plan ahead. Otherwise you end up driving through Wendy's to get a cheeseburger.  Another thing I have learned, working out/eating healthier is WAY easier when you have someone to do it with. Which is why I am glad my Ma is going to do this with me. We can motivate each other, help each other and be accountable to each other. We already work out together so we've got that down, we just have to get the eating part right.

I am excited to do this. I remember how good I felt when I lost that weight. I enjoyed the way I looked. I slept better. Just felt better in general. I want to get back to that. It may take awhile. I know there is no quick fix. But I will keep going. As long as I am going forward that is all that matters.

And now for a little fitness motivation.

I am linking up with Hallie at Life:Oceanside for Curing #NOtivation! Check her post out!


  1. good luck! eating healthy always makes me feel so much better, but I couldn't ever give up chocolate. congrats on doing that for so long last time!

  2. Good for you! I recently had to get into a routine of working out more, but now there are some days where I actually really look forward to lifting or going for a run...some days ;). You'll always feel so amazing after the fact! Good luck!


    1. Thats awesome! Yes you always will feel better after a work out! Its so hard to get started sometimes, but it always pays off!

  3. Body for Life is actually one of the most best selling books of all time for weight loss. Planning is ahead is absolutely key. I do this every single week and it saves so much time, money, and keeps you organized on track. You can do it, I have done it for years now. Good luck girl. xoxo

    1. Thanks girl!!! Your posts always motivate me with your food prep & work outs! :)
